I'll start with Amanda. Amanda and I share the same dry/sarcastic sense of humor and the love of buying things, then changing our minds and returning them. We both love tennis and still like to think we are as good at it as we were in high school. Amanda is a crazy hard worker and will never not speak her mind. We were both young brides who married after short whirlwind romances. We have supported each other through thick and thin and I know we will continue to do so. Even though I hate her just a little for moving all the way to Ft. Worth, I know she will be my BFF and I love her. I am so thrilled for Amanda and her husband Clayton because in just about 3 months they will welcome Baby Logan!!! I cannot wait to meet this little guy and I know Amanda is going to be such an incredible mother.
Amanda and I at her 21st birthday! 2009
Sometimes friends are jerks. Revenge coming soon, Prego! 2010
Aunt Amanda showing Kayden a great time at the pool! 2011
Celebrating Addison's 1st birthday. 2011
The next lady I want to share with you (even though every person I know seems to already know her) is Kristina. Oh, Kristina. Where to start? Kristina has a huge heart and is a friend to everyone. She is an incredibly talented singer and I would love to one day have even half of her musical abilities. Kristina and I became immediate friends years ago because our men were good friends. We are silly and ridiculous and loud when we get together and it's awesome. I am so blessed to get to be her friend and I get to enjoy the pleasure of being a bridesmaid in her wedding which is THIS Saturday!!! Kristina and her soon-to-be hubby Ben are such awesome examples of how God's love should be lived out in a relationship.
A million years ago and I have no clue what we're doing. 2008
Ben, Kris, Kevin and I at the Gungor concert! 2011
Laughing - we do a lot of it. This was at her couples shower. 2012
My gorgeous, gorgeous friend at her bachelorette party. 2012
The third lady in my life who I love dearly and has exciting things happening in her life right now, is my incredible sister (in-law) Katie. We share something most sister-in-laws don't.....our name! Katie is absolutely stunning and her beauty is far more than just skin deep. I have never met anyone who is more determined than Katie is. She makes her mind up to do something and doesn't stop until it's done. She is loyal, trustworthy and funny as anything. People sometimes think she is shy but that's only if they haven't given her the chance to not be shy. She is a firecracker who loves chocolate, running and a strong drink. One knowing look at each other and we both get a terrible fit of the giggles. Katie is an incredible aunt and the best Godmother I could have ever chosen for my girls. She says I'm the sister she never had and although I absolutely adore my two biological sisters, neither of them are Katie so that means she's kind of the sister I never had too. I love her dearly and am so so proud of her because she just graduated from TWU with her Masters in Science and is a Registered Dietitian! She is going to have such an incredible career and any company would be lucky to have her. I feel like now that she is done with school, homework, projects, papers, tests, quizzes, internships and ALL the stress that went with that, we are going to become closer than ever.
Gaylord Ice. 2010
Dinner at the in-law's house. 2010
Enjoying a drink at Hannah's. 2011

In Fort Worth. 2012
All three of these incredible women mean so much to me. Love you, ladies! Cheers to all the awesome things you each have happening in your lives right now and to all the great things to come!