Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'll Tell You When You're Older

If I had any male followers I would not post this entry but considering all of my followers are females I'm going for it. It might be a little to much info for some but I thought it was funny and it was a first so I'm going to blog about it. 

Today Kayden saw a pink plastic cylinder in the bathroom trash can. I'll save you the grossness of explaining exactly what it is and just point out that this particular item is used for feminine care....during that special time each month. Yeah, so you get it, right? Obviously these are not made pink in order to attract the attention of four year old little girls but that's exactly what happened. Upon seeing it, without a moment's hesitation, Kayden promptly inquired, "Hey Mommy, what's that pink thing?" I decided to save her the scrutiny of an in-depth explanation of a woman's menstrual cycle and chose rather to just say it is something special just for mommies. This vague answer didn't satisfy her curiosity in the slightest. "I know, but what is it?" she asked again. Then it happened. I said the words that every parent says at some point. For the first time "I'll tell you when you're older" escape my lips. I didn't even think. It just came out. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at myself once I heard those words. Good thing when you become a parent you automatically acquire the super power of being able to pull things out of thin air in situations like this one. Whew. Crisis diverted. Tell me about a time your parental super powers saved the day. 

Thanks for reading. Until whenever....

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Yeah, Thanks, I Know

Yesterday I looked back through my entire FB photo album of Addison's birth and her first couple of weeks. Wow has she ever changed. As I looked through the pictures one by one I noticed two things that are very different now. 1) She is laying totally still in every picture. 2) She is small and thin. The chunky bundle of energy and giggles that was crawling all under the table, trying to eat the computer charge cord and shrieking in delight every time I told her "no" couldn't possibly be the same tiny infant that was in these pictures, right?
For those of you are moms you know that the second you get pregnant it all starts.
When you're pregnant: 
You're carrying high so it must be a boy. 
You're carrying high so it must be a girl.
When the baby arrives:
Enjoy it while she just sleeps all the time.
Enjoy it while she's little 'cause they grow up so fast.
You think you're tired now but just wait until she starts crawling.
Then when they start crawling: 
Just wait until she starts walking.
When they start walking:
They grow up fast so you better enjoy it. 
At their first birthday: 
Just wait until she turns two then you're in for it.
Then at two: 
Kindergarten is just a few years away now.
When they're in kindergarten: 
Before you know it she'll be in college.

Can't people just let you enjoy the moment?!?! Geez! I know both when I was pregnant and when Addison was an infant those kinds of comments drove me absolutely insane. The sad fact though is that they're right. They do grow up too fast. You really do have to enjoy it while they're little. Can't people say it differently though? "They are so much fun at this age aren't they?" or, "It is so much to watch they grow and change." Sometimes I feel tempted to tell new mom's that they grow up so quickly but I always stop myself. They'll figure it out on their own. They'll learn all too soon that you can't keep them tiny and still forever. They'll also learn though that every new stage seems to be just a bit more fun than the last. 

Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow - or whenever I get around to writing again. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Your Turn

So for those of you that noticed, yes, I missed and didn't blog the last two days. Sorry that I slacked off. I really didn't have anything to write about though. Kayden spent the night with my parents Saturday night so any humor that she could have provided for a blog was shared only with my parents and yesterday when I wasn't napping I was either eating or at church. Obviously all of you, my followers, missed out on an extremely eventful weekend. Quite frankly I really still don't have anything specific to write about today either but I figured I'd try to just start typing and hopefully something will just create itself on the page. So let's get right to it.....

Welp, after staring at this blank screen for a few minutes I've still got nothin'. So I'm going to leave the writing up to you guys today. Here's my question for the day:

What is your favorite thing to do, either as a mom or just as a woman, to get away from it all? "It" specifically meaning your kids, husband, school, job, etc.

My favorite thing is just getting out of the house. The specifics don't really matter too much. When I start reaching the end of my rope I love spending a day out with a friend pretending like we have money to shop, going to lunch with my sister, or getting all dolled up for date night with my hubby. There are times too when I just want to do something alone though and it's times that those that I enjoy running up to the church for confession, making a grocery store run by myself or heading to TJ Maxx or Target to return stuff that I'm sure to have awaiting me in my car. (I'm the queen of returns. I think I need an entire entry dedicated to that. Not kidding.) I look forward to hearing about your escapes from the sometimes mundaneness of life! Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow....

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Sisterhood of....Something or Another

So today I'm going to venture away from motherhood a bit and just tell a story that is more so about sisterhood. Not the traveling pants kind. Just the regular "no traveling of outwear involved" kind. I'm sure you won't mind. I don't mind and since this is my blog, that's what we're doing. Here's how today's story begins.....

Split ends. They drive me crazy. However, I never seem to have the time -or money for that matter- to go get my hair cut every, as recommended, 6-8 weeks. Really? 6-8 weeks? That is like no time at all. Is the hair cutting world unaware that I have two kids, a husband, a business and a million other obligations that come before my hair? So, like many of you other mom's I'm sure, it's often more like 6-8 months and usually even longer between my hair cuts. My ends hate me for this. By the time I finally make an appointment they are stretching out in every direction begging for someone to trim them. My hair lady, Fran, doesn't give me a hard time about this. She's awesome. Twisted Heads Salon in Denton is the way to go. So, getting to the actual story, last night was my twice yearly hair cut appointment. My younger sister, (I usually say "little sister" but that seems to imply that she is like 10 and although sometimes I still expect her to be 10 instead of a grown-up 19, she is not, so I'll use "younger" to make her not sound pre-pupecent), Kelly needed a hair cut too so she met me up there. We both totally loved our new 'do's and afterwards we went to dinner at Chili's. Chili's is kind of our home front. When we used to be rich teenagers we'd go there at least twice a week. How I didn't weigh 400 lbs is beyond me. Their chips and salsa make me drool just thinking about them. Since yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, Chili's was all decked out in Mardi Gras colors with beads and everything which of course makes perfect sense. I'm sure all the Hispanics in town greatly appreciated it. Our waiter had a bunch of necklaces on and he looked totally thrilled about it.

The best part of dinner came when we were getting ready to order. It took us like 9 years to figure out what we wanted in part because apparently Kelly is now a vegetarian so there was basically nothing for her to eat there and in part because every time we tried to look at the menu we'd just end up talking for another 15 minutes and totally forget about the menu. I had figured out what I wanted but Kelly hadn't. She needed to ask the waiter a question. This is an accurate portrayal of how that went down:
Kelly: Hey, PJ. I have a question.
PJ: Yes?
Kelly: Is your chicken ve.....? Oh my gosh! Nevermind! *laughing* Oh my gosh I was seriously just about to ask if your chicken was vegetarian! *laughing* Oh no! But it's because I just.....*laughing*
PJ: *blankest stare humanly possible* *jaw on the floor* *mind racing to figure out how he can possibly answer that and not lose his job*
Me: *DYING laughing*
Kelly: I only read "Green Chili Soup" I was going to ask if that was vegetarian!
Me: PJ, you should really just walk away from this situation. 
PJ: *did as I suggested*
I love my sister. So needless to say we spent the next few moments laughing hysterically like a rabid pack of hyenas. When PJ had collected himself enough to venture back over to our table Kelly ordered the very healthy and very vegetarian Alfredo pasta with broccoli and I ordered the same except hold the Alfredo pasta, replace it with chicken nachos and sub the broccoli for guac. We ate and then it came time for dessert. Of course the only suitable thing to do was to order the dessert dripping in ice cream, hot fudge, caramel, chocolate chips and 3,000 calories. I didn't make that number up. We asked. It really had 3,000 calories. But since we both ate so healthily for our meals, we figured it'd be fine to splurge on the next 2 days suggested calorie intake. 

So there you have it. The story of two sisters' journey through split ends, Mardi Gras de Mayo, vegetarian meat, and a dessert made of thunder thighs and lard. Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow.....

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Black Porcupines

This morning the very first thing Kayden said to me was, "Mommy I want a black porcupine for my birthday." That got me thinking about how kids ask for exactly what they want. This is a totally unreasonable request as I could never truly provide her with a black porcupine. That didn't stop her from asking though. Kids don't beat around the bush or play hard to get. They are simply 100% up front about their thoughts, feelings, desires, etc. They don't know how not to be. Another example of this comes from a few days ago when the girls and I drove to Carrollton to the Mary Kay distribution center to pick up some orders. When the attendee brought my boxes out to my car she smiled at me and told me to have a nice day. Immediately Kayden blurted out "Her teeth are funny." Thank God the poor woman had already turned around and didn't hear Kayden's little remark. Kayden was right though. The woman had strange teeth. Of course this is something I'd never tell her as that quite obviously would be rude and just plain uncalled for. Kids don't have a filter for things that are inappropriate to say. They don't know that facts can sometimes be rude. It's the truth so why wouldn't they say it? In some ways I wish we, as adults, had less of a filter. No, I do not wish that it would be deemed appropriate to walk up to people and tell them their teeth are weird. If that little of a filter became socially acceptable I'm sure I'd be told often that I have a large nose or that my toes are really not all that dainty to say the least. What I mean by that is I wish we had more courage to ask for the "black porcupines" we long for. I feel that we sometimes forget to wish for things - for the crazy, seemingly unattainable things. Why not ask for those things? Why not dream?

So my question to you all today is: What is a "black porcupine" in your life? What crazy thing would you love to have/do? 

My black porcupine is a gorgeous lake house complete with a boat and sailor themed sitting room. I'd love for it to be just a block away from a stunning church so early each morning I could go down to the lake and then walk to the church for Mass or adoration. That's my crazy dream. Who knows? Maybe one day it will be a reality.

Thanks for reading my ramblings. I look forward to reading about your black porcupines. Until tomorrow......

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tales of Addison

So last night Addison decided to catapult herself out of the bathtub. Yes, that is truly exactly what happened. She threw her rubber duckie out of the tub (her favorite new game) and decided rather than leave it there on the floor lonely and cold, she'd stand up, lean over the edge of the tub, and retrieve it. Of course, in attempting to do so, she fell right out of the tub and onto the linoleum flooring. Now, this wouldn't have been too bad had the bath mat been there to soften her fall. However it was not. The bath mat was in the washer. Why was it in the washer? Because not 10 minutes before Addison's face plant, she had so sophisticatedly tinkled on it. Anyway, since she was soaking wet she went sliding right across the floor like a baby seal. Of course there was much crying and Kayden even stared to cry a little bit out of fear for her baby sissy. She quickly calmed down though when I assured her that Addison was not hurt and just simply scared. I was wrong though. Addison wasn't badly hurt but she did manage to give herself her very first little injury. A little bit of a bloody nose, a red bump on her forehead and somehow a scratch on her left arm. 

As her mommy this whole incident that caused my baby pain was really sad. And yet, at the same time, along with the sadness, I find myself giggling about it. I think I find it humorous simply because this was so an "Addison thing" to do. Without an ounce fear or any regard for pain, she set out to do exactly what she had set her mind to - and that was to get back her duckie! I know throughout the years there will be many more stories like this one. I'm sure some will be funny, others maybe not so much and some (if not most) will more than likely require a trip to the ER for a cast or stitches....I know though that regardless of the details, all of these "tales of Addison" will be memorable. Addison will make sure of that much. 

Introductions and Such

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I'll skip past all the silly formalities and get right to the point. I'm Katie. I'm 21 and have two sweet girls ages 4 yrs and 10 months. Please make any assumptions based on that you wish to. When you're done with that I'd love for you to continue reading and find that I am probably not at all what you are picturing. Yes, I was a teen mom. But hey! I still did really well for myself. I finished high school, went on to work full time, ended up meeting the man of my dreams, got married and 5 months later along came baby number two. We almost had the order right that time....
I am a convert to Catholicism and I am completely in love with my faith. I love to shop but don't get to that often. That's okay though because I'd much rather pay off a multitude of medical bills than shop for fabulous shoes. (sarcasm much?) I am fairly confident in who I am save for those days when I'm not. I don't like elbows so please refrain from touching me with yours. I started my Mary Kay business almost a year ago now and I really love it. Don't worry - this blog is not going to become a "buy my product!" blog. I am truly blessed. God has given me a ton of stuff I never thought I'd want (ie: two kids by 20) but it turns out, He really did know best and I am very thankful for all His little blessings in disguise.
My husband is Kevin. He is 26, tall dark and handsome, sings and plays guitar. Obviously I'm a very lucky lady and you are probably all green with envy. Did I mention he's hot? Yeah, he's that too. He is my rock and I love him dearly - even if he doesn't like sweet tea. I don't blame him 'cause I know it's a Kansas thing and had he been born in Texas like me, he'd surely love his sugar with a little tea.
Kayden (or as she would rather me call her: Ariel), my 4 year old, is a princess. It's true. She'll tell you herself. Prince Eric makes frequent visits to our house and we rarely drive anywhere without him tagging along. Give the girl some princess shoes and a purse and she'll be happy for weeks. She is smart as a whip (what the heck is with that saying? It obviously makes no sense as a whip cannot possibly be intelligent to any degree....moving along....) and can find a loop hole in anything I tell her to do. Not to brag or anything but she's pretty much an angel child.
And then there came Addison. She's the baby and she is a beast. I say that in the most loving manner. That girl can take a fall and she'll smack you right in the face and not think twice about it. She's my wild child. I dread the day she starts driving already and that's a good 15 years away! If you look at her, she'll smile at you and ham it up more so than any baby ever has before. If you don't look at her, she'll just squeal and shriek until you do. In case you haven't figured it out yet - she's an attention hog and we love her for it. She keeps us laughing and is probably the happiest baby ever. You'd agree with that fact if you met her.
My world is sometimes a wreck but I love it. I'm happy to share some of its humor with you. Thanks for reading. Below are some pictures of my family. The one you (assuming you continue to read) will slowly begin to know and quickly begin to love.