Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl

Over the weekend my sister Kelly came over and did an in home studio photo session with me. It was an absolute blast! In high school Kayden and I used to be a "model" for Kelly quite frequently to help her build up her portfolio. Here is one of those pictures - taken April 2009.

Now Kelly totally doesn't need me to fill in the gaps because her portfolio is currently packed full of incredible photos of families, babies, college students, homeless men, brides, high school seniors and weddings. I felt so lucky to get to be on the front side of her camera this weekend again. It was just like the "old days".  Here are two of the pictures from Friday's shoot.

Okay, so now let's get to the part of this entry that will explain the title. But first, let me introduce you all to my dad.  He is a totally goob. He is silly and witty and can make anyone laugh. He is an incredible man who has been married to my mom for 25 years. 

He is a wonderful "Grampies" to his grandkids and he isn't nearly as much of a hard-ass as he'd like you to think he is. He is a hard worker who always has grease under his finger nails and is the only one around who knows exactly how to load the dish washer properly. 

One thing my dad is not though is a man of many words. He is sensitive but not horribly open or expressive about his feelings. That is he hasn't been until the other night when he called to tell me that he had seen the most recent pictures Kelly had taken of me. He wanted to tell me that he had always seen my inner beauty shine through but that seeing those pictures made him see my outer beauty more so than he ever had before. He said he just couldn't believe those pictures were of his daughter. Then, in a classic "dad" way, he ended with, "I know those weren't really you though and they were just some model Kelly picked up on the side of the road on the way to your house".  Needless to say he made me cry.....and then laugh. I think everyone loves hearing sweet things from the mouth of their father. Moments like that remind me that no matter how old I get, I'll always be (and long to remain) Daddy's little girl. 

I am putting all of this in my blog not to toot my own horn but to make sure that I never forget what my dad said to me. It really meant so much to me and I want to be sure I have it forever. Mom, I know you are having Dad read this so Dad, thank you. I love you so much. 

Thanks for reading! Until the next time I get around to writing....

If you want to view more of Kelly's photography or schedule a photo shoot of your own, you can search for "Kelly McCullough Photograhpy" on Facebook and "like" her page or go to her website: www.kellymcculloughphoto.com.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Duck Ponds and Guava Fruit

Sissy is my older sister. When I was little I couldn't say her name (Patty) so I just called her Sissy. That stuck and now 20+ years later she has become Aunt Sissy to my girls.

Here she is looking gorgeous. That's me on the left....I'm the one that looks just like Kayden. The little hairy one on the right is my other sister Kelly. Don't worry, she grew out of looking like an old man. 

Today, the girls and I had the privilege of hanging out with her all afternoon. She came over in time for us to go pick Kayden up from school together. From there we headed off to Braum's to grab some lunch and then took off for the duck pond. We tried the pond over off of Teasley at Eureka Park but quite frankly, it sucked. There were like 8 ducks there but they were lazy and tired and couldn't care less that we were throwing delicious, day old hot-dogs buns at them. Not only that, but there were also two obnoxious seagulls (I'm sorry, are we in Galveston?) who kept hovering and squawking and threatening to poop on us.

Look at them, just ignoring us like that. Jerks. 

So we left. Too bad for you, stuck-up ducks, we'll just go to a better duck pond! So, we drove across town to the duck pond off to I-35 over by the new Apogee Stadium. (Plug for Nicole: You should go see a game there sometime everyone!). The ducks there were much less high and mighty (obviously because they are UNT fans) and throughly enjoyed our bread....when the blasted seagull that was there (again, this is Denton, right?!) didn't scare them away and steal it. It was a wonderful day and we all had a blast.

I know Kayden looks terrified and sad in this picture but I assure you she had fun. This was at the end of our time at the duck pond and she was really upset to have to leave. 

So yay for a fun day with the girls and my sister. Now, I am so looking forward to a dinner date with my bestie, Amanda. She's fabulous and I'm sure we will shut the restaurant down and get kicked out before we're done talking. That's the greatest thing about spending time with a best friend isn't it? The fact that time just disappears when you're together.

Here's us. Yeah, we know we're awesome. Oh and here's a little tip - if you've ever thought of using a guava fruit, yogurt and "other random food items all mixed together" face mask....don't. It'll stain your face orange even if Amanda says it won't. 

Until tomorrow....unless Amanda and I are still at the restaurant blabbing.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Denton Craigslist>Sale>Children>Female

"You know that place where you know you have to have a babysitter -meaning the TV and the movie Madagascar- watch your kids for an hour while you sneak a brownie in the kitchen and take a breather for fear that you are about to lose your last ounce of sanity and probably wind up listing them both with a "buy in bulk" discount on Craigslist?"

That was my status update on Facebook yesterday and I ended up with 11 glorious moms who commented saying they totally related. So my thoughts for today are going to be about that place that all moms come to  at some point or another where you just want to sell your kids on Craigslist or Ebay or -as one mom commented- just put them out on the curb with a sign that says "free". Oh and I would like to mention that since the kids are in bed for nap, I am happily stuffing my face with candy, right out in the open space of the living room. Aaaaaah. 

Okay, so what made yesterday one of "those" days? What didn't? After naptime it got worse. Kayden was being a little bit (a lot bit) of a diva and Addison was crying insistently for a cracker. Since Kayden was bouncing around, yelling horribly and climbing on the top part of the sofa (guess which two of those are not allowed in our house), I decided we should go outside to blow bubbles and release some energy. That was fun for the first ten minutes until Addison's withdrawal symptoms kicked in after not eating a cracker in a whopping twenty minutes. Kayden was happy outside though so we pushed through for another thirty minutes or so. After Kayden successfully dumped all of her bubble juice out and Addison removed her shoes and walked in the mud, we (meaning I) called it quits and promptly went inside and put Madagascar on (a movie I actually find funny too. Those penguins are freakin' hilarious.) I then sat on the sofa and played Bejeweled for the next hour and a half until my knight in shining armor arrived and rescued me.

And that's another thing! Why is it that the minute "Daddy" gets home, everything is suddenly like a story book tale? Why do the kids quit crying, fighting and breaking things the minute his key hits the door lock? I really make an effort to clean the house up everyday around 4:30 so that when Kevin gets home around 5:30 it looks nice. If nothing else I at least get to the kitchen and living room. That's the effort I make daily so that he doesn't have to walk into chaos. Oh and I try to have showered. I'm sure that's appreciate. Anyway, maybe the kids make an effort of their own too and settle down for a few minutes when he first gets home so he can walk into a peaceful environment instead of a war zone after a long day.   

Today was a better day than yesterday for the most part. After picking Kayden up from school we went to the playground in the mall for an hour and then came home to make what Kayden has decided to call "hot dog rollies". It was my first time to make them and it will definitely not be the last. They are super easy and pretty tasty. Canned croissant rolls, hot dogs, cheese, roll them together, bake at 375ยบ for 12 minutes. Done. I'm sure half of you have made these before but if you haven't they're worth a try. 

I never said they were pretty but they are yummy! 

After naptime we have some errands to run and that always helps the last half of the day (my day countdown ends when Kevin gets home from work) go by quickly. I guess as moms sometimes we just have to find those little things that save us for even just a moment from the craziness we live it everyday -whether that something is a brownie, a new pair of shoes, or a couple hot dog rollies.

So for today, post and tell me about a time your kids almost got listed for sale on the Internet. I promise not to report you if you don't report me

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

As Promised

Okay, so, as promised, I am going to fill you all in on Kayden and her most favorite thing ever and Kevin's new job. Also, this is a long one.....maybe grab a drink and a snack.

So in September, Kayden stared school. Well, Pre-K to be exact. Being the little bookworm that she is I was not surprised at all to hear "I love school!" after only the first day. Kayden's first day (which is really only three hours long as she goes to the morning class from 7:50-10:50) pretty much consisted of Addison and I just staring at each other and wondering, "What they heck are we supposed to do while Sister is in school?". . Anyway, we've gotten over that now. Addison plays/breaks things. I blog.

Kayden brings home things like paper turkey feathers, snowmen, candy canes, and ginger bread men for "us" -meaning her and I glue- to decorate together as a family. She thinks these family decorating projects are awesome. I actually really enjoy them too. Although the "artist" in me has to bite her tongue and not comment on how an odd number of jelly beans would be more appealing to the eye than an even number.

But look, I held my tongue and Kayden created the most beautiful turkey feather I've ever seen. 

Kayden also loves the friends she has made. Although Kevin has a slight problem with the fact that most of her "best friends" so far have been boys. She rotates who her best friend is every couple of days though so as long as she throws a girl in there every now and then, he'll will be content to not accompany her to school and shoo the boys away. As a father of two girls, he figures he should start playing defense early....or maybe that's his offense. I don't know. Either way, they aren't dating til they're 30.

Kayden's teachers, Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Becca are both awesome. Ms. Jennifer is her primary teacher as Ms. Becca is more focused on the special ed children in their class. There is a better, more "pc" name for special ed preschoolers but I can't remember it now. Kayden's class is a blended class meaning all the children on both ends of the spectrum are together in one class. This is to teach the "more advanced" kids, like Kayden, to be accepting and to learn that not all kids are "like me" and it has been proven to help the slower children develop at a faster rate in order to keep up with their classmates. I think it's awesome and I'm all for it.

Anyway, back to Ms. Jennifer. She really is great. Exactly what you'd think of when you think of a Pre-K teacher....unless you'd think of something different me. Here, I'll just describe her for you and you can decide if what I think of as a typical Pre-K teacher matches what you think. Not that she is "typical". She is extraordinary. She is young, coming up on 30 I would guess. Not married and no kids. She says "Why would I want my own when I have 30 of yours?!" She is totally one of those aunts that dotes on her nieces/nephews. She drives a sporty little car but somehow manages to get car-seats in the back. She is sarcastic and funny like no body's business. And she is an amazing story teller. I once had the privilege of listening to her read a story to the class and all I could think as I stood in awe of her was, "Wow. I ought to just never read another book again because I could never put that much personality/excitement into each and ever word nor could I ever have that many different incredible voices for each character!" I have since then read many books, but my renditions were completely inadequate when compared to hers.

Look at her, reaching out to claw at the kids just like the evil witch in the story would. Oscar worthy I tell you. 

I am also particularly found of her because she has recently become a Mary Kay client of mine. Score. Kayden thinks the world of her. When we told Kayden that she was going to "get to" stay home from school for Thanksgiving break, she was pretty upset. Obviously the idea of staying home with mom and dad was not at all appealing for this 4 1/2 going on 14 year old. The same thing happened for Christmas break. Almost every day she asked if it was Monday yet so she could go back to school and see Ms. Jennifer. Then she'd tell me how when she did finally get to go back to school, she was going to run up to Ms. Jennifer and give her a big hug. And that is precisely what she did. Ms. Jennifer greeted her with a "What's up Shortie?" and although I secretly wished Kayden would think of me as being even half as cool as Ms. Jennifer, it still warmed my heart.  Kayden is there at school now; I'm sure being filled with the vast amounts of knowledge they provide at Pre-K and loving every second of it. Addison and I are content at home and I'm happy to have her company until she too turns 4 and has her turn experiencing the great unknowns of Pre-K. Good luck to whoever her teacher is....I should start praying for her now.

Okay, now on to Kevin's new job! First of all, before I get into any of the job details, I have to say this: I have a very, very studly husband who wears business casual attire like a totally hunk. He used to always wear business casual to the bank when he worked there (and, of course, looked like a stud then too) but then at his last job, working for his parents in their dental lab, he dressed.....well, like you would to go to work at a dental lab -something you are good with getting ruined. So jeans, a T-shirt and a ball cap. Seeing him like that everyday, I think I forgot how awesome he looks in dress clothes. He was still handsome then but there is just something about him getting all fancy for work that makes him look different to me. Maybe it's the confidence a nice outfit will give a person. Maybe I just have a weird thing for slacks.

Just look at how good he looks! **whistling** (Note: He would not wear the converse to work. I know all of you 40+ plus -with the exception of my sister, Patty- year olds are probably thinking that looks ridiculous but I assure you, it is very cool, he looks hot, and its a "generation thing" as my sis-in-law explained to her mom and dad who saw Kevin's shoes and promptly made fun of him.)

Anyway, I'm sure all of you are thinking "Geeeez, get a room and move on" so I'll move along to the job description which I'm sure to most is much more interesting than a pair of slacks, however perfectly tailored they may be.

The official title is account manager. Ooooo, fancy right? He is working for a company at their headquarters in Lewisville that sells office supplies all over the country. Office supplies.....you're probably thinking just paper, pens and ink right? Well, right and wrong! He will be selling those items but their catalogue actually has over 50,000 different products in it!!! Everything from the basics like paper clips and printer paper all the way to wheelchairs, fire extinguishers, personalized coasters, coffee machines and more. A bigger catalogue = a greater opportunity for a sale = more money. He'll be making a base salary plus an uncapped commission. Every person he has come into contact with has told him repeatedly that there is huge money to be made at this job. Is money everything? Absolutely not. Do we need more of it to pay off our debt, get Kayden into private school, buy a house, and eventually EVENTUALLY have another baby? Most definitely. He will be making phone calls to a list of offices within a certain territory that his company will supply for him so he doesn't have to go research places to call. He is hoping to be asigned Houston or Austin but his territory has not been given to him yet. He will be strictly inside sales, not outside. Meaning, he will be calling, not going, to the offices out there.

When he left yesterday for his first day he was really nervous. As he texted me a little on and off throughout the day I could tell he was getting more and more comfortable/confident though. When he left this morning he was excited and pumped up and eager. I'm really proud of him. Changing jobs is not easy and the training portion is never fun but Kevin is doing what needs to be done for our family and I'm thankful to be married to a man who will put us before himself.....although at this job there is a ping-pong table, corn hole, and a Playstation in the break room, so he doesn't have it that bad.

I will keep you updated on how he is doing there. Although, when we start driving around town in a new Maserati and are gone half the year to our summer home in Rome, you'll probably be able to figure out for yourself how we're doing.

Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Umm, I haven't blogged in 8 months because....the Internet was broken...?

Well. It has been nearly 8 months since I've last posted. I could tell you that I've just had way too much going to to find the time to post, but that is not really true. I just haven't felt inspired. Ha. Yeah, that's not it either. I've just been lazy. But here I am, once again, posting about my life as if it is so important and exciting that the whole Internet needs to be made aware of it. And here you are reading, once again, as if I have some kind of insight to share about something phenomenal....which I don't. But, none the less, here we both are. So let's get to it.

Since my last post so much has happened. Let's start with the biggest things - Kayden has started school, Kevin has changed jobs and Addison....well.....what hasn't Addison done? Let's start with her.

Addison was only ten months old the last time I posted. So since then, she has turned 1, learned to reach every single TV remote/game controller in the house regardless of how high up I put it, become quite talented at removing her pants, shoes, diaper and basically anything else I put on her that prevents her from being al natural, and learned how to say a million words....okay not really a million, but a lot. Much more, I feel as her proud mother, than most other 1 1/2 year olds (which she will officially be tomorrow). Here's a couple of her favorites: sister, done, mine, off, bye, potty, uh-oh, cracker, more and of course: no. When she is really feeling smart she'll even bust out with some two word "sentences" like: all done, night night, yes please, thank you and love you. She's awesome. Of course "awesome" in that sentence also means "hyper, able to destroy a room in 5 seconds, a total handful, and definitely doing something really not good if she is quiet for more than about 15 seconds",but mostly, awesome.

Here is an example of that awesomeness - yesterday, after dumping a bottle of water all over the floor, she pulled her curtains down completely off the wall. Yeah.....she is rambunctious to say the least. We think we'll keep her though. She keeps things fun. And she keeps me thin! I bought the smallest size pant I've ever been in (a size 2 from American Eagle....hey, it's my blog and I'll brag if I want to) and I know I have Addison to thank for that. She keeps me in a full cardiac workout for every waking hour of the day.

Well, as usual, this is already really long and I haven't even said half of what I want to. Oh well, looks like I'll have to come back tomorrow to fill you all in on Kayden and her most favorite thing ever (here's a hint - it's school) and Kevin's new job....which I probably need to wait for tomorrow to blog about as today is his very first day and currently he has only about 2 hours of experience there so I really don't know what I would even say about it.

So, until tomorrow.....