Well. It has been nearly 8 months since I've last posted. I could tell you that I've just had way too much going to to find the time to post, but that is not really true. I just haven't felt inspired. Ha. Yeah, that's not it either. I've just been lazy. But here I am, once again, posting about my life as if it is so important and exciting that the whole Internet needs to be made aware of it. And here you are reading, once again, as if I have some kind of insight to share about something phenomenal....which I don't. But, none the less, here we both are. So let's get to it.
Since my last post so much has happened. Let's start with the biggest things - Kayden has started school, Kevin has changed jobs and Addison....well.....what hasn't Addison done? Let's start with her.
Addison was only ten months old the last time I posted. So since then, she has turned 1, learned to reach every single TV remote/game controller in the house regardless of how high up I put it, become quite talented at removing her pants, shoes, diaper and basically anything else I put on her that prevents her from being al natural, and learned how to say a million words....okay not really a million, but a lot. Much more, I feel as her proud mother, than most other 1 1/2 year olds (which she will officially be tomorrow). Here's a couple of her favorites: sister, done, mine, off, bye, potty, uh-oh, cracker, more and of course: no. When she is really feeling smart she'll even bust out with some two word "sentences" like: all done, night night, yes please, thank you and love you. She's awesome. Of course "awesome" in that sentence also means "hyper, able to destroy a room in 5 seconds, a total handful, and definitely doing something really not good if she is quiet for more than about 15 seconds",but mostly, awesome.
Here is an example of that awesomeness - yesterday, after dumping a bottle of water all over the floor, she pulled her curtains down completely off the wall. Yeah.....she is rambunctious to say the least. We think we'll keep her though. She keeps things fun. And she keeps me thin! I bought the smallest size pant I've ever been in (a size 2 from American Eagle....hey, it's my blog and I'll brag if I want to) and I know I have Addison to thank for that. She keeps me in a full cardiac workout for every waking hour of the day.
Well, as usual, this is already really long and I haven't even said half of what I want to. Oh well, looks like I'll have to come back tomorrow to fill you all in on Kayden and her most favorite thing ever (here's a hint - it's school) and Kevin's new job....which I probably need to wait for tomorrow to blog about as today is his very first day and currently he has only about 2 hours of experience there so I really don't know what I would even say about it.
So, until tomorrow.....
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