Thursday, May 12, 2011

Yeah, Thanks, I Know

Yesterday I looked back through my entire FB photo album of Addison's birth and her first couple of weeks. Wow has she ever changed. As I looked through the pictures one by one I noticed two things that are very different now. 1) She is laying totally still in every picture. 2) She is small and thin. The chunky bundle of energy and giggles that was crawling all under the table, trying to eat the computer charge cord and shrieking in delight every time I told her "no" couldn't possibly be the same tiny infant that was in these pictures, right?
For those of you are moms you know that the second you get pregnant it all starts.
When you're pregnant: 
You're carrying high so it must be a boy. 
You're carrying high so it must be a girl.
When the baby arrives:
Enjoy it while she just sleeps all the time.
Enjoy it while she's little 'cause they grow up so fast.
You think you're tired now but just wait until she starts crawling.
Then when they start crawling: 
Just wait until she starts walking.
When they start walking:
They grow up fast so you better enjoy it. 
At their first birthday: 
Just wait until she turns two then you're in for it.
Then at two: 
Kindergarten is just a few years away now.
When they're in kindergarten: 
Before you know it she'll be in college.

Can't people just let you enjoy the moment?!?! Geez! I know both when I was pregnant and when Addison was an infant those kinds of comments drove me absolutely insane. The sad fact though is that they're right. They do grow up too fast. You really do have to enjoy it while they're little. Can't people say it differently though? "They are so much fun at this age aren't they?" or, "It is so much to watch they grow and change." Sometimes I feel tempted to tell new mom's that they grow up so quickly but I always stop myself. They'll figure it out on their own. They'll learn all too soon that you can't keep them tiny and still forever. They'll also learn though that every new stage seems to be just a bit more fun than the last. 

Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow - or whenever I get around to writing again. 


  1. Yeah, those comments do get old. And I also don't believe I will ever miss changing diapers or dealing with a 3 yo who can't handle her emotions. ;) Some phases will not be missed.

  2. I'm right there with ya sister! Haha. I'm looking forward to when they're grown up and we can hang out together as adults in a mother/daughter friend way.
