This morning the very first thing Kayden said to me was, "Mommy I want a black porcupine for my birthday." That got me thinking about how kids ask for exactly what they want. This is a totally unreasonable request as I could never truly provide her with a black porcupine. That didn't stop her from asking though. Kids don't beat around the bush or play hard to get. They are simply 100% up front about their thoughts, feelings, desires, etc. They don't know how not to be. Another example of this comes from a few days ago when the girls and I drove to Carrollton to the Mary Kay distribution center to pick up some orders. When the attendee brought my boxes out to my car she smiled at me and told me to have a nice day. Immediately Kayden blurted out "Her teeth are funny." Thank God the poor woman had already turned around and didn't hear Kayden's little remark. Kayden was right though. The woman had strange teeth. Of course this is something I'd never tell her as that quite obviously would be rude and just plain uncalled for. Kids don't have a filter for things that are inappropriate to say. They don't know that facts can sometimes be rude. It's the truth so why wouldn't they say it? In some ways I wish we, as adults, had less of a filter. No, I do not wish that it would be deemed appropriate to walk up to people and tell them their teeth are weird. If
that little of a filter became socially acceptable I'm sure I'd be told often that I have a large nose or that my toes are really not all that dainty to say the least. What I mean by that is I wish we had more courage to ask for the "black porcupines" we long for. I feel that we sometimes forget to wish for things - for the crazy, seemingly unattainable things. Why not ask for those things? Why not dream?
So my question to you all today is: What is a "black porcupine" in your life? What crazy thing would you love to have/do?
My black porcupine is a gorgeous lake house complete with a boat and sailor themed sitting room. I'd love for it to be just a block away from a stunning church so early each morning I could go down to the lake and then walk to the church for Mass or adoration. That's my crazy dream. Who knows? Maybe one day it will be a reality.
Thanks for reading my ramblings. I look forward to reading about your black porcupines. Until tomorrow......
cute! That sounds like a dreamy home :) But don't move too far away!
ReplyDeleteMy "black porcupine" is for Ben and I to go to Kasungu, Malawi, Africa together and visit my "daughter" named after me and serve in a week or two long mission trip together. AND, to have a boy first named Lucas :) The end.
Kristina's black porcupines are actually possible. :)
ReplyDeleteOne of my current ones, which is technically attainable, is to take the family to Disney World for at least a week and stay on site and really live it up. I'm trying to remember that as we get back on the budget train, again.
This is a great post!
Love both of your "black porcupines"! I'd say that both are definitely attainable. Nicole, we'd love to have the opportunity to go to Disney World at some point too. Kris my cousin's name is Lucas! Good name :]
ReplyDeleteThank you both for reading!
Nicole, yours is so good!!! I am adding that to mine. I have never been and would love for my first time to be with my family :)
ReplyDeleteThese are fun conversations because I can actually talk about these things as if they are DEFINITELY in the future are not a maybe ;)
oops... and** not are
ReplyDeleteMy "black porcupine" would be to have a huge ranch filled with lots of dogs, donkeys, cows, miniature horses, and a few kitties.
ReplyDeleteThis land would need some rolling hills. Lots of trees and a gorgeous pond to sit by and reflect how blessed I am.
Oh...and Greg says it would have a Frank Lloyd Wright house on it as well. :-)
First - I would llike to say I know who "Anonymous" is!!! Second...I want a house down the road from Katie (notice, for Katie's sake, I didn't say next door!) But I too love the lake and the church! I would like to have a home open to those who need it...family, friends, strangers, children. Maybe open an orphanage or two. I would like to travel 3 months out of the year (the cold months of course!) Two months mission trips, one month beaches in far away places like Bali, Australia, the South of France! There you have it - :)
ReplyDeleteMom: Anonymous is Patty :] I love your black porcupine! You'd do great with orphans. You and dad should adopt :] Thanks everyone for posting!