Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Introductions and Such

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I'll skip past all the silly formalities and get right to the point. I'm Katie. I'm 21 and have two sweet girls ages 4 yrs and 10 months. Please make any assumptions based on that you wish to. When you're done with that I'd love for you to continue reading and find that I am probably not at all what you are picturing. Yes, I was a teen mom. But hey! I still did really well for myself. I finished high school, went on to work full time, ended up meeting the man of my dreams, got married and 5 months later along came baby number two. We almost had the order right that time....
I am a convert to Catholicism and I am completely in love with my faith. I love to shop but don't get to that often. That's okay though because I'd much rather pay off a multitude of medical bills than shop for fabulous shoes. (sarcasm much?) I am fairly confident in who I am save for those days when I'm not. I don't like elbows so please refrain from touching me with yours. I started my Mary Kay business almost a year ago now and I really love it. Don't worry - this blog is not going to become a "buy my product!" blog. I am truly blessed. God has given me a ton of stuff I never thought I'd want (ie: two kids by 20) but it turns out, He really did know best and I am very thankful for all His little blessings in disguise.
My husband is Kevin. He is 26, tall dark and handsome, sings and plays guitar. Obviously I'm a very lucky lady and you are probably all green with envy. Did I mention he's hot? Yeah, he's that too. He is my rock and I love him dearly - even if he doesn't like sweet tea. I don't blame him 'cause I know it's a Kansas thing and had he been born in Texas like me, he'd surely love his sugar with a little tea.
Kayden (or as she would rather me call her: Ariel), my 4 year old, is a princess. It's true. She'll tell you herself. Prince Eric makes frequent visits to our house and we rarely drive anywhere without him tagging along. Give the girl some princess shoes and a purse and she'll be happy for weeks. She is smart as a whip (what the heck is with that saying? It obviously makes no sense as a whip cannot possibly be intelligent to any degree....moving along....) and can find a loop hole in anything I tell her to do. Not to brag or anything but she's pretty much an angel child.
And then there came Addison. She's the baby and she is a beast. I say that in the most loving manner. That girl can take a fall and she'll smack you right in the face and not think twice about it. She's my wild child. I dread the day she starts driving already and that's a good 15 years away! If you look at her, she'll smile at you and ham it up more so than any baby ever has before. If you don't look at her, she'll just squeal and shriek until you do. In case you haven't figured it out yet - she's an attention hog and we love her for it. She keeps us laughing and is probably the happiest baby ever. You'd agree with that fact if you met her.
My world is sometimes a wreck but I love it. I'm happy to share some of its humor with you. Thanks for reading. Below are some pictures of my family. The one you (assuming you continue to read) will slowly begin to know and quickly begin to love.


  1. I've always admired you for becoming everything you are today in so many ways, something not many of us could have done as a young mother (well, not me, anyway). I love your intoduction, it made me giggle. ;) Excited to follow your blog!

  2. Looking forward to reading more!
